
Saturday, February 24, 2007

What the Hail

I don't know whether I'm comfortable with the fact that there are at least 124 people on the internet sharing "Asian Creampies Vol 2.avi". What does this say about society? What does it say about pies? Conservapedia.com certainly would have something to say about it.

I've just realized that the first sentence of a blog post is the most fun to write. It establishes the momentum of the entire post. That said, I'd like to write another first sentence.

I have to tell you something. This happens to be my 100th UB post. Of course, we all know that numbers are (basically) meaningless in the real world, but it's nice to have any occasion to come together and throw our hands in the air, to celebrate. I don't want anyone to get carried away though. Ben Sands' arm could get broken.

MYW at 11:34 AM


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Drawing Straws

Society is maddening. If only I could have been born lucky like Jesus, or Samael Aun Weor. All the answers were delivered to them in simple terms - there was no debating it. They didn't have to knock on any doors. But were they happy? Did it matter?

I think about these things as I'm doing the laundry, that happiness is relative, and means nothing anyway. As happy as one thinks he is, someone else might call him diseased. It probably feels the same to him, though. He might not give a damn either way. He just wants his clothes cling-free so he can go cruising for pussy and burgers.

Can a human being really know himself? Is there anything to know? And if so, at this stage in our evolution do we have the brainpower? Should I really give a damn, or just put the clothes in the dryer?

MYW at 9:31 PM
