
Friday, July 11, 2008

Uncontrollable excess masked in madness costumes a man in a hat forever infatuated no time alone no time for the phone so if you've been waiting for a call, cool it. Regarding what transpired in the east, nothing can take the place of persistence, but even this can break down in the face of fear, of pain and of the the foreign. Those alien abduction stories are a testament to it, stuck on an operating table, helpless these big eyed beings beyond scrutiny; mere seconds to offer a response to an utterly incomprehensible situation. Thus they adopt a new story. The old one just didn't suffice. But to say it is new: that is to reject what was always there: Whatever takes my fancy, leads me down a new avenue, and I think, this is really great, I'm going to do this forever. The most important thing in my life at this moment, but nothing can take me away from the self that permanence that utterly inescapable element. This new thing, it is great, for sure, but I am only deluding myself to think that it offers an exit. Sooner or later I have to come back to what was always there. I don't always dig it though.

MYW at 12:39 AM



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