
Monday, May 12, 2008

Standing in line at the food bank at least two dozen people ahead of me with their children and clothes snatched right out of the garbage I tried hard to read Plato's Republic couldn't make headway, too many bodies about and a kid for whom I had empaty as he babbled to his pops his daddy but the stuff he was saying, gosh, what a load of balderdash, his dad was so annoyed, given to cavil about his son's unfettered loquacity. Coulda sworn the lady next to me in line was syphilitic like some kind of trollop there was a conspicuous black mound about her lip and her skin was patchy then I realized "what do you know about the clap" It's true I couldn't tell you what it were if you really put me on the spot and tried to interrogate it out of me, just sputter and think about the tiny bumps on my left ring finger and right pinky cause they appear baneful let's hope its just some kind of benign anomaly bereft of significance the product of happenstance. I've got government issued applesauce.

MYW at 4:48 PM



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