
Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Great Mystery

The germ goddess has played a cruel trick on me; I live in the midst of an epidemic, yet I appear unscathed by any virus. Nevertheless, some force has wracked my body, twirling my thoughts and causing my chest to ache. It so disturbed me that I neglected to brush my teeth as I hastened myself outdoors this morning.

I wandered through town today, stricken with the posture of Atlas, begging for jolly dollars. I was doomed to be disappointed - heartache radiated from every landmark. Every fire hydrant recited an overture to my misfortunes. Patrolling the library stacks, every book screamed solitude. I wallowed in ice cream, but not even a Good Humor could restore my good humor.

This is going to continue until the two halves of my brain can work together again. Ever since the split, they've refused any attempt on my part to open a dialogue. What do I do when my right hand wants to draw? Or my left hand wants to factor polynomials? A hemispheric divorce can wreak havoc on a young one. Can't we just move on?

MYW at 6:29 PM



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