
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Before Breakfast Blogging

Tabula Rasa, Baby! All the snow melted beneath the blazing sun yesterday as my father turned 54. We celebrated and pops got some pretty good gifts. He is the cornerstone of the family unit, the closest to God, Akhenaten, our benevolent dictator. He can cook a mean pork roast, too.

Tuesday had me tripping - over the assorted inanity littered about my floor. My foot got caught on a cable and I did damage to my laptop. It's enjoying time off in a North Carolina warehouse as we speak, and I'm reduced to writing on an old HP I copped from a dude in west Urbana, who, to my dismay, had outfitted his computer with hundreds of hours of granny porn and alterna-rock nonsense. "Good Riddance," indeed!

On a related note, Happy Birthday Mozart!

MYW at 9:22 AM



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